Business modem set up made easy with Tech Connections. |

Huawei HG659 Fibre Broadband Setup

To set up your modem, simply open a web browser on your computer and type the default gateway address in the address bar.

Default username - Admin

Default password - Should be written on the back of the router.  or @last 8 characters of serial number. (@XXXXXXXX)

Or for few models,

Default username - !!Huawei

Default password - @HuaweiHgw 

  1. Click Internet from the top menu
  2. Click “Internet Settings” from the left menu
  3. Locate and select your connection type
  4. Internet connection: Internet_Ethernet
  5. Click “Edit

Ensure the following settings are changed:

1. Enable Connection: Ticked

2. Service Type: tick Internet (TR069 and Voice not ticked)

3. Connection Type: IP Routing (IP)

4. MRU: 1500

5. MSS: 0

6. NAT Type: NAPT

7. Enable VLAN: Ticked

8. VLAN ID: 10

9. 802.1p: 0

10. IP Protocol Version: IPV4

11. IPV4 addressing type: DHCP

12. Static DNS: Unticked

13. Click: Save

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