To set up your modem, simply open a web browser on your
computer and type the default gateway address in the address bar.
Default username - Admin
Default password - Should be written on the back of the router. or @last 8 characters of serial number. (@XXXXXXXX)
Or for few models,
Default username - !!Huawei
Default password - @HuaweiHgw
Ensure the following settings are changed:
1. Enable Connection: Ticked
2. Service Type: tick Internet (TR069 and Voice not ticked)
3. Connection Type: IP Routing (IP)
4. MRU: 1500
5. MSS: 0
6. NAT Type: NAPT
7. Enable VLAN: Ticked
8. VLAN ID: 10
9. 802.1p: 0
10. IP Protocol Version: IPV4
11. IPV4 addressing type: DHCP
12. Static DNS: Unticked
13. Click: Save