Remote Call Back
When you are out of the office and want to make a call to someone who’s number is within your account, simply call the Cloud PBX number from any phone. When you hear ringing, hang up and you will be called back – so you can make a call from your Cloud PBX account. Call Back is free on all CloudPBX accounts. Calls made to non CloudPBX account numbers are charged as outbound calls.
Quick Guide
Step 1: Setting up Remote Call Back
- Log into > Voice tab and select number you wish to set up remote call back on.
- Select Other Settings > Remote Call Back
- Click enable remote call back
- Choose remote call back service option
- Select a PIN number if needed. NOTE: PIN numbers are needed if you choose to call back all numbers
Step 2: Using Remote Call Back
- Call your CloudPBX number from a phone number chosen.
- Hang up when you hear ringing.
- CloudPBX will call you back.
- Answer the call and then make calls as usual.
NOTE: Off-net calls to call back remote numbers are charged as outbound calls.